Full Groom
Our Full Groom includes a consultation to identify your pup's individual needs, spaw bath, blow out and fluff, sanitary hygiene, nail trim and file, blueberry facial, paw pad trim, face and foot trim, full-body haircut, bandana, and Furrtograph. Prices vary on size, breed, condition of coat and cut specificity. Call for price estimates.
Mini Groom
Our Mini Groom includes a consultation, spaw bath, blow out, fluff and brush, sanitary hygiene, nail trim and file, blueberry facial, paw pad trim, face and foot trim, bandana, and Furrtograph​. Prices vary by size, breed, condition of coat, and cut specificity. Call for price estimates.
Spaw Bath
Our Spaw Bath indulges your pup with a relaxing bath experience that includes shampoo, condition, facial and massage. We use top quality products within the Isle of Dogs and Blueberry Facial lines tailored to your pups individual needs. All baths include a nail trim and file, blow out, fluff, bandana, and Furrtograph. Prices very based on size, breed, condition of coat, and dry time. Call for price estimates.
Ala cart and Add-ons
Anal gland expression - $20.00 ala cart, $8.00 when adding to a service
Nail trim and dremmel nail file - $20.00
Nail Pawlish - $15.00
Teeth brushing - $10.00
Flea Treatment - $20.00
Ear cleaning and hair removal - $15.00
Treatment for skin irritation, bacteria, and fungus - $10.00
Foot bath
CO2 therapy for yeast, redness and allergies. Soothe spray used after the bath
- $10.00
Hydro bath Nagayu hydrotherapy coat and skin treatment for dandruff, hot spots, years, Itchiness and allergies. Prices dependent on size and coat.
De-Sheddding - An add-on service for any bath or groom that includes Furminator Shampoo and Conditioner, as well as additional time to de-shed your pup by hand - Starts at $20 ***pricing is dependent on coat and time
De-Matting - $1 per minute ***pricing is dependent on coat and time
Puparazzi Shoot and Furrtograph (only when not receiving services) - $15.00
Printed Copy of Furrtograph (will be available within a week for pick up)​
4x6 - $5.00​
5x7 - $7.00
8x10 - $10.00
Spaw Package Upgrades and Specials​
Teeth and Nails - $23.00
Pawdicure (Nail trim, file, feet trim, and Pawlish) - $40.00